
I believe that a babywearing consult session should almost be another right of passage when you’re having a baby. If you don’t feel completely confident in fitting your baby or yourself comfortably and EASILY, then think like a mum with a new car seat and find a professional to help. Here are some ways a babywearing consultant is similar to someone with expertise in child restraint fittings.

EXPERTISE - Has more training than the guy in the shop. 

Babywearing consultants have specific education in babywearing best practices, and can fit you with expertise and confidence. A consultant also understands that many of the best (most optimal) carriers are not available in the ‘big brand’ baby stores, and the ones that are sold there often require a few extra tips and tricks than easily grasped from the instruction booklet.

Understands true SAFETY - Gives you peace of mind that your baby is safe and comfortable. 

A professional car seat fitter gives you security in the knowledge that your baby is safe in their seat, fitted ergonomically and that the seat won’t move or be detrimental to your baby. A babywearing consultant teaches you about hip and spine development and educated explicitly about the pillars of safe babywearing, so that you will never doubt the safety of your developing baby when wearing them in a sling. 

Helps with CHOICE - Has more knowledge to help with the right CHOICE to suit YOUR NEEDS.

When I needed to get a second car seat (and then needed a third third one in the car for a day trip), I didn’t want to consult ‘just anyone’ and google was simply overwhelming. Bec from BabySafe Liverpool was able to advise me on the various ins and outs of each choice and which options were physically possible for me with my car and the ages of my children. Baby carriers are much the same! Some are suitable for newborns but not toddlers, others go across the developmental span but may be more fidgety or require additional accessories for each age group, take up more room in a bag or be less suited to a larger or smaller framed mumma; various fabrics are suited better to different weather conditions; abilities and various special needs of babies and wearers - honestly the list goes ON and on. 

UNBIASED - Consultants are NOT SELLING

Babywearing consulting is focussed on educating rather than coming from a position of a commission based sale. This prevents bias in terms of advocating a certain brand or style of carrier and means we can provide an objective educational session looking at pros and cons of a variety of options; or you can be confident that we can help with a carrier you own even though we may not have that specific one in our collection. After the session we can usually help you source a store to find a chosen carrier should you need one. 


Other sources can be unreliable and confusing. Of course we acknowledge that babywearing is an ancient practice and in many cultures and families we know and are so grateful that this ‘skill’ is being passed down through generations of experts. However in many modern/western cultures this is often not the case. We are currently experiencing a beautiful time in history as we witness ‘the rebirth of slings’, and our society is beginning to revive this practice. Babywearing consultants provide a one stop shop, the sure-fire method to ensure you are getting accurate information, attuned to your baby, your body, lifestyle, comforts and preferences and that it will all be provided in a professional and welcoming manner. This beats scouring through google and facebook groups where advice is often confusing and sadly inaccurate (sometimes even dangerous).

In summary, if you’re not sure - skip the spreadsheet, sweat and hours of tutorials and just go and find someone who has experience and education in babywearing. Wear your baby safely with EASE and confidence so you can wear them for longer and contribute to a kinder, more attuned generation of humans.

Click here to book your virtual or in person consult today.


Summer Babywearing (in Australian heat)


What is a babywearing consultant?