Private Babywearing Consulting

Fitting Services


  1. ‘Ease them up’ virtual session - 30 minutes.
    Get all of the information and assistance you need in the most time efficient manner. No need to bring baby out, I can assist you from the comfort of your longeroom with tweaks, tips and tricks for the perfect fit. Includes all workshop materials.


  2. ‘Securely Attached’ Virtual Session - 60 minutes
    Get all of the information and assistance you need in the most time efficient manner. No need to bring baby out, I can assist you from the comfort of your longeroom with tweaks, tips and tricks for the perfect fit every time.

    Includes all workshop materials.

    Take your time as I show you and troubleshoot with you various styles of babycarriers using my demonstration dolls and help you with an in depth understanding of your own carriers including different ways to use them for optimal positioning every time.


  3. ‘Ease them up’ - 45 minute personal face to face consultation in studio (Abbotsbury, NSW).

    This session is for you if you have a particular carrier already and you’d like help to get the perfect fit, tips and tricks, and try on you’d like help to make it safe and comfortable, tips and tricks and so on. Includes 2 carrier fittings.

    This session also provides you with some nurturing with a relaxing environment for you and your baby, a cup of tea or coffee and a bonus relaxing essential oil roller.  


  4.  ‘Securely Attached’ - 90 minute full education session in studio (Abbotsbury, NSW).

    This session is for you if you’d like to sample multiple different styles of carriers, learn about the benefits of babywearing, find a perfect option for your family’s lifestyle, baby’s preference and wearer’s body.

    Includes workshop materials, a variety of tips and tricks for optimal positioning every time, and personalised fittings of any carriers from my collection (usually time for a complete fitting of 3-6 carriers).

    This session also provides some nurturing for parents with tea/coffee, essential oil relaxation roller and light snacks. 


  5. Travel fee if required - $20.
    If you would like me to travel to your home I will travel within a radius of 30km from Abbotsbury NSW, if you live further than this I can refer to another consultant or double the travel fee. Please get in contact to duscuss your needs.

Carrier Party ! (Group workshops)


Parent social babywearing group sessions! Baby sling/carrier education session and mindful bonding with baby. This package is perfect if you would like to learn the basics of babywearing and trial a variety of different carrier options in a group setting with the help of a professional consultant. There are no sales during these sessions so the focus is purely on the education and experience. Post-session we do provide exclusive offers for various brands.

Includes tea, healthy snacks, make and take of essential oils mini roller.

  1. Group of 5 or more $45 each.

  2. Group of 8 or more, $35 each. 


Community Workshops

We are offering free group consults 4 times per year with a maximum of 8 participants.