Reconnect with yourself, beyond the mouse-wheel and ‘shoulds’; get in the driver’s seat and move towards peace and joy in motherhood.

We begin our next round October 2023.

The Nurtured Mother Collective

Online program for motherhood opening, connecting and healing.

This is your safe space to be held, heard and valued. To begin to heal from old patterns and move towards your own authentic purpose in your life with your family.

There is a place beyond the incessant mouse wheel, where your worthiness is redefined based on what is really important; where you are able to actually accomplish things that fare important to you.

In this program I recognise the social context of motherhood that keeps so many of us burnout, disconnected, disempowered and resentful - and we work on how you can start to shift and make changes within this broader space, to find your unique spark, a unique joy for you and your family / rather than following other people’s shoulds and values. In this program we find the magic of connecting to others on the same journey to lift us up.

We begin on the 24th October 2023 at 7:30pm AEST (Sydney time).

Reclaim yourself, reclaim your life.


With everything you’re carrying, you can feel the niggle, the snappiness, a sharpness in your voice sometimes, and it’s starting to feel clear.

It’s time to start believing that you deserve nurturing.

Why work with me?

I’m Emma, mum of two boys, psychologist, teacher and coach. I have a decade of experience working as a psychologist with children and families, and I have learned that the greatest impact for treating mental health in our communities starts as far back as we can go, probably during pre-conception if we can! I came to my work with mother’s from this place, and developed a passion for supporting mothers in their own right, as well as in service of children and the next generation more broadly.

Since having my first child 7 years ago I became entranced with the disintegration and transformation that takes place in the ‘birth of a mother’, as well as all aspects of infant mental health, and I love to watch incredible client transformations in my work in this area.


What’s involved?



  • 12 weeks of soul-filling live workshop calls, for space holding, connecting with each other and workshopping together around course content. (3 integration weeks with opportunities for co-working)

  • Weekly nervous system regulation

  • A library of resources including video, audio recordings, worksheets, mindfulness practices to listen and dive in to whenever you need a daily boost of self awareness, presence and self compassion.

  • Evidence based strategies, skills and mindset shifts around four key pillars:
    - The Rebirth - A deep dive in to the science of matresence, our mindset and human brain, identity creation and change, the social context of motherhood. Where you may begin the exploration, ‘finding yourself’, processing your experiences and seeking purposeful living.
    - Reconnect - Nurturing your relationships in motherhood - reconnect with yourself, your partners, the science of attachment with baby and child, friendships - connecting outwards.
    - Reclaim - We explore behavioural patterns, histories behind them, look at our you’re really spending your time and how to make more of it, resetting routines to get you unstuck and regain control over your time. Boundaries, perfectionism, procrastination, worthiness.
    - Reignite - Re-light the fire in your life with re-writing some of our stories, stepping toward true change and joy, exploring creativity and setting new intentions around things to release and things to call in.

  • Pre recorded materials for you to access in bite sized chunks, under the four key modules.

    PLUS Bonus masterclasses on topics such as

    • Conscious parenting with our little ones

    • Scary Thoughts in Pregnancy and Postpartum

    • Guest Expert postpartum specialist dietician

    • Guest expert parent coach

    • Guest Expert postpartum nutritionist

    • More depending on needs of the group

  • 9 x Live group discussions with me, revising and discussing key learnings within each module and spending time resetting the nervous system.

  • The magic of social support from other group members.


  • Evidence based

  • Carefully selected and co-created considering needs of the group.

  • Succinct 15 minute chunks of information in each pre-recorded module for busy mums, as well as the spacious time we create in our longer form lives (babies and kids welcome - come as you are).

  • Easily accessible learning platform for you to login and continue where you left off, completing key milestones and watching or listening in your preferred style of learning.


  • The true magic in connecting with a group of others who identify as mothers, going through similar journeys, for you to lift each other higher. We come together in a facebook community as well as the group support on zoom.

Give yourself and your family the gift of spacious time and self connection.

  • The Nurtured Mother Collective

    Some words from founding members:

    ”This has been one of the most valuable things I have ever done, I’ve never felt more seen and validated, yet confronted at the same time! Thank you for your raw, honest emotion and creating a safe space for us to explore the good, the bad and the ugly of our own motherhood journey. I will be remembering and implementing so much of this for years to come, I can’t say thank you enough!”
    - Rebecca, mum of 3

    “…Confronting at times and I have to really look deep inside myself but it’s exactly what I needed before baby arrives.”

    “This is the best thing I have ever done for personal growth.“